
Functions for checking and validating configuration settings in the file.


  2Functions for checking and validating configuration settings in the file.
  7import os
  8import re
 10from . import config
 11from . import util_date
 14def _check_is_boolean(value, name):
 15    """
 16    Check if a value is a boolean.
 18    Args:
 19    value (bool): The value to check.
 20    name (str): The name of the value.
 22    Returns:
 23    str: An error message if value is not a boolean, None otherwise.
 24    """
 25    if not isinstance(value, bool):
 26        return f"{name} must be a boolean (True or False)"
 28    return None
 31def _check_is_string_or_empty(value, name):
 32    """
 33    Check if a value is a string and not empty.
 35    Args:
 36    value (str): The value to check.
 37    name (str): The name of the value.
 39    Returns:
 40    str: An error message if value is not a string or empty, None otherwise.
 41    """
 42    if not isinstance(value, str):
 43        return f"{name} must be a string"
 44    if len(value.strip()) != len(value):
 45        return f"{name} must not have leading or trailing whitespace"
 47    return None
 50def _check_is_string_not_empty(value, name):
 51    """Check if a value is a string and not empty.
 52    Args:
 53    value (str): The value to check.
 54    name (str): The name of the value.
 55    Returns:
 56    str: An error message if value is not a string or empty, None otherwise."""
 57    error = _check_is_string_or_empty(value, name)
 58    if error:
 59        return error
 60    if len(value.strip()) == 0:
 61        return f"{name} must not be empty"
 62    return None
 65def _check_is_list_of_strings_or_empty(value, name):
 66    """Check if a value is a list of strings or empty.
 67    Args:
 68    value (list): The value to check.
 69    name (str): The name of the value.
 70    Returns:
 71    str: An error message if value is not a list or contains non-string elements, None otherwise."""
 72    if not isinstance(value, list):
 73        return f"{name} must be a list!"
 74    for val in value:
 75        error = _check_is_string_not_empty(val, f"Value in {name}")
 76        if error:
 77            return error
 78    return None
 81def _check_is_path_to_file_or_directory(value, name):
 82    """Check if a value is a path to an existing file or directory.
 83    Args:
 84    value (str): The value to check.
 85    name (str): The name of the value.
 86    Returns:
 87    str: An error message if value is not a valid path, None otherwise."""
 88    error = _check_is_string_not_empty(value, name)
 89    if error:
 90        return error
 91    if not os.path.exists(value):
 92        return f"The value of {name} must be a path to an existing file"
 93    return None
 96def _check_is_path_to_file(value, name):
 97    """Check if a value is a path to an existing file.
 98    Args:
 99    value (str): The value to check.
100    name (str): The name of the value.
101    Returns:
102    str: An error message if value is not a valid file path, None otherwise."""
103    error = _check_is_path_to_file_or_directory(value, name)
104    if error:
105        return error
106    if not os.path.isfile(value):
107        return f"The value of {name} must be a path to a file (not a directory)"
108    return None
111def _check_is_path_to_dir(value, name):
112    """Check if a value is a path to an existing directory.
113    Args:
114    value (str): The value to check.
115    name (str): The name of the value.
116    Returns:
117    str: An error message if value is not a valid directory path, None otherwise."""
118    error = _check_is_path_to_file_or_directory(value, name)
119    if error:
120        return error
121    if not os.path.isdir(value):
122        return f"The value of {name} must be a path to a directory (not a file)"
123    return None
126def _check_is_path_to_dir_or_empty(value, name):
127    """Check if a value is a path to an existing directory or empty.
128    Args:
129    value (str): The value to check.
130    name (str): The name of the value.
131    Returns:
132    str: An error message if value is not a valid directory path or empty, None otherwise."""
133    if value is None or len(value) == 0:
134        return None
135    return _check_is_path_to_dir(value, name)
138def _check_is_date_or_none(value, name):
139    """Check if a value is a date or empty.
140    Args:
141    value (str): The value to check.
142    name (str): The name of the value.
143    Returns:
144    str: An error message if value is not a valid date or empty, None otherwise."""
145    if value is None or len(value) == 0:
146        return None
147    error_message = f"{name} must be a date in format 'yy-mm-dd'"
148    try:
149        date_value = util_date.parse_yyyy_mm_dd(value)
150        if not date_value:
151            return error_message
152    except Exception:
153        return error_message
154    return None
157def is_valid_blob_size(value):
158    """Check if a value is a valid blob size.
159    Args:
160    value (str): The value to check.
161    Returns:
162    bool: True if the value is a valid blob size, False otherwise."""
163    if not value or len(value) == 0:
164        return False
165    pat = re.compile(r"[0-9]+[KMG]+")
166    return re.fullmatch(pat, value)
169def _check_is_blob_size(value, name):
170    """Check if a value is a string and a valid blob size.
171    Args:
172    value (str): The value to check.
173    name (str): The name of the value.
174    Returns:
175    str: An error message if value is not a valid blob size, None otherwise."""
176    """Example of how to check configuration"""
177    error = _check_is_string_not_empty(value, name)
178    if error:
179        return error
180    if not is_valid_blob_size(value):
181        return f"{name} must be like 256K or 1M or 1G"
182    return None
185# Example of how to check configuration
186def _get_config_error():
187    """Validate settings in
188    Returns:
189    str: An error message if any configuration value is invalid, None otherwise."""
190    """Validate settings in"""
191    # required
192    error = _check_is_boolean(config.IS_VERBOSE, "IS_VERBOSE")
193    if error is not None:
194        return error
196    error = _check_is_path_to_file(config.PATH_TO_GIT, "PATH_TO_GIT")
197    if error is not None:
198        return error
200    # optional
201    error = _check_is_date_or_none(config.date_param, "date_param")
202    if error is not None:
203        return error
205    error = _check_is_path_to_dir_or_empty(config.path_to_repo_dir, "path_to_repo_dir")
206    if error is not None:
207        return error
209    error = _check_is_list_of_strings_or_empty(config.branches, "branches")
210    if error is not None:
211        return error
213    error = _check_is_string_or_empty(config.file_extensions, "file_extensions")
214    if error is not None:
215        return error
217    error = _check_is_blob_size(config.blob_size, "blob_size")
218    if error is not None:
219        return error
222# Validate settings in
223def validate():
224    """Validate settings in
225    Raises:
226    SystemExit: If any configuration value is invalid, with an error message.
227    """
228    """Validate settings in"""
229    error = _get_config_error()
230    if error is not None:
231        raise SystemExit(
232            f"CONFIG ERROR: {error}. Please check the settings in"
233        )
def is_valid_blob_size(value):
158def is_valid_blob_size(value):
159    """Check if a value is a valid blob size.
160    Args:
161    value (str): The value to check.
162    Returns:
163    bool: True if the value is a valid blob size, False otherwise."""
164    if not value or len(value) == 0:
165        return False
166    pat = re.compile(r"[0-9]+[KMG]+")
167    return re.fullmatch(pat, value)

Check if a value is a valid blob size. Args: value (str): The value to check. Returns: bool: True if the value is a valid blob size, False otherwise.

def validate():
224def validate():
225    """Validate settings in
226    Raises:
227    SystemExit: If any configuration value is invalid, with an error message.
228    """
229    """Validate settings in"""
230    error = _get_config_error()
231    if error is not None:
232        raise SystemExit(
233            f"CONFIG ERROR: {error}. Please check the settings in"
234        )

Validate settings in Raises: SystemExit: If any configuration value is invalid, with an error message.