
Functions for interacting with a Git repository. It includes functions for executing Git commands, checking out branches, handling commits, and managing Git configuration settings.


  2Functions for interacting with a Git repository. It includes functions for executing Git commands, checking out branches, handling commits, and managing Git configuration settings.
  7import os
  9from . import config
 10from . import util_date
 11from . import util_file
 12from . import util_list
 13from . import util_print
 14from . import util_log
 15from . import util_proc
 19logger = util_log.getLogger(__name__)
 22def _parse_result(result):
 23    """
 24    Function to parse the result obtained from executing Git commands.
 26    Args:
 27    result (str): The result string to be parsed.
 29    Returns:
 30    list: A list of cleaned parts obtained by splitting the result string.
 31    """
 32    parts = result.split(COMMIT_PARTS_SEPARTOR)
 33    parts_cleaned = []
 34    for part in parts:
 35        parts_cleaned.append(part.replace('"', ""))
 36    return parts_cleaned
 39def get_branches_with_commits_in_origin_not_local(repo_dir, branches):
 40    """
 41    For all the given branches, find any missing commits: commits that are on origin but not this copy of the repository.
 42    """
 43    if not has_git_remote_urls(repo_dir):
 44        util_print.print_warning(
 45            f"Cannot check for missing commits: the local repo {repo_dir} has no remote origin"
 46        )
 47        return []
 48    branches_with_missing_commits = []
 49    fetch(repo_dir)
 50    for branch in branches:
 51        checkout_branch(branch, repo_dir)
 52        result = execute_command("rev-list", [f"HEAD..origin/{branch}"], repo_dir)
 53        if result.strip():
 54            branches_with_missing_commits.append(branch)
 55    return branches_with_missing_commits
 58def get_current_branch(local_repo_location):
 59    """
 60    Function to get the current branch of the Git repository.
 62    Args:
 63    local_repo_location (str): The local repository location.
 65    Returns:
 66    str: The name of the current branch.
 67    """
 68    return execute_command(
 69        "rev-parse", ["--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"], local_repo_location
 70    ).strip()
 73def get_last_commit_id(path_to_repo_dir, file_only=None):
 74    """Get the last commit ID based on the given path to the repository directory and an optional file parameter.
 75    Args:
 76    path_to_repo_dir (str): The path to the repository directory.
 77    file_only (str): Optional parameter to specify a specific file.
 78    Returns:
 79    str: The last commit ID."""
 80    # git log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%H_|\_%ad_|\_%s" --date=short BUILD.plz
 81    git_args = [
 82        "log",
 83        "-n",
 84        "1",
 85        f'--pretty=format:"%H{COMMIT_PARTS_SEPARTOR}%ad{COMMIT_PARTS_SEPARTOR}%s"',
 86        "--date=short",
 87    ]
 88    if file_only is not None:
 89        git_args += [file_only]
 90    result = util_proc.run_process_and_get_output(
 91        config.PATH_TO_GIT, git_args, path_to_repo_dir
 92    )
 93    if config.IS_VERBOSE:
 94        print("  " + result)
 95    parsed = _parse_result(result)
 96    commit = parsed[0]
 97    return commit
100def has_git_remote_urls(repo_dir):
101    """
102    Does the given git repository directory have any remote origin URLs.
103    """
104    result = execute_command("remote", ["-v"], repo_dir)
105    return len(result.strip()) > 0
108def is_git_repo(repo_dir):
109    """
110    Is the given directory a git repository (contains .git folder)
111    """
112    path_to_git_config = os.path.join(repo_dir, ".git", "config")
113    return util_file.does_file_exist(path_to_git_config)
116def list_git_remote_urls(repo_dir):
117    """
118    List any remote origin URLs of the given git repository directory.
119    """
120    if not has_git_remote_urls(repo_dir):
121        return []
123    remote_urls = []
124    # git remote -v
125    result = execute_command("remote", ["-v"], repo_dir)
126    lines = result.split("\n")
128    for line in lines:
129        if not line.strip():
130            continue
131        # example:
132        # origin (fetch)
133        parts = line.split()
134        if len(parts) == 3:
135            remote_urls.append(parts[1])
136        else:
137            raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot parse output of git remote: {line}")
139    return remote_urls
142def get_git_remote_push_url(repo_dir):
143    """
144    Get the remote origin *push* URL of the given git repository directory.
145    """
146    try:
147        # git remote get-url --push origin
148        return execute_command(
149            "remote", ["get-url", "--push", "origin"], repo_dir
150        ).rstrip()
151    except Exception as e:
152        util_log.log_exception(e)
153        return ""
156def execute_command(command, git_args, working_dir):
157    """Execute a Git command with specified arguments in the given working directory.
158    Args:
159    command (str): The Git command to execute.
160    git_args (list): List of arguments for the Git command.
161    working_dir (str): The working directory to execute the command in.
162    Returns:
163    str: The output of the command."""
164    git_args_with_command = [command] + git_args
165    return util_proc.run_process_and_get_output(
166        config.PATH_TO_GIT, git_args_with_command, working_dir
167    )
170# execute git command with too many parameters - so we chunk
171def execute_command_in_chunks(command, git_args, git_extra_args_to_chunk, working_dir):
172    """Execute a Git command with arguments provided in chunks to avoid exceeding the parameter limit.
173    Args:
174    command (str): The Git command to execute.
175    git_args (list): List of arguments for the Git command.
176    git_extra_args_to_chunk (list): List of additional arguments to chunk and execute.
177    working_dir (str): The working directory to execute the command in."""
178    CHUNK_SIZE = 20
179    chunks = util_list.chunk(git_extra_args_to_chunk, CHUNK_SIZE)
180    for chunk in chunks:
181        execute_command(command, git_args + chunk, working_dir)
184def fetch(working_dir):
185    """Fetch latest commits from a Git repository using the specified working directory.
187    Args:
188    working_dir (str): The working directory of the repository."""
189    execute_command("fetch", [], working_dir)
192def fetch_notes(working_dir):
193    """Fetch notes from a Git repository using the specified working directory.
194    Args:
195    working_dir (str): The working directory of the repository."""
196    execute_command(
197        "fetch", ["origin", "refs/notes/*:refs/notes/*", "--force"], working_dir
198    )
201def checkout_branch(branch, path_to_repo_dir):
202    """Check out the specified branch in the Git repository at the given path.
203    Args:
204    branch (str): The branch to check out.
205    path_to_repo_dir (str): The path to the repository directory.
206    Returns:
207    str: The result of the checkout command."""
208    result = execute_command("checkout", [branch], path_to_repo_dir)
209    return result
212def checkout_at_start_of_date(local_repo_location, branch, start_date):
213    """Check out the branch at the start of the specified date in the local repository location.
214    Args:
215    local_repo_location (str): The local repository location.
216    branch (str): The branch to check out.
217    start_date (str): The start date for checking out the branch."""
218    # git rev-list -n 1 --first-parent --before="2023-12-22 00:00" main
219    last_commit = execute_command(
220        "rev-list",
221        ["-n", "1", "--first-parent", f'--before="{start_date} 00:00"', branch],
222        local_repo_location,
223    )
224    last_commit = last_commit.strip()
225    if last_commit:
226        checkout_branch(last_commit, local_repo_location, True)
227        return True
228    return False
231def checkout_head(local_repo_location, branch):
232    """Check out the HEAD of the specified branch in the local repository location.
233    Args:
234    local_repo_location (str): The local repository location.
235    branch (str): The branch to check out."""
236    checkout_branch(branch, local_repo_location)
239def check_has_no_changes(path_to_local_repo):
240    """Check if the local repository at the specified path has any changes.
241    Args:
242    path_to_local_repo (str): The path to the local repository directory."""
243    # should return empty, if no changes
244    result = execute_command("status", ["--porcelain"], path_to_local_repo)
245    if len(result) > 0:
246        message = f"Local repository at {path_to_local_repo} has changes. Please ensure the local repository is clean and has no outstanding changes."
247        raise RuntimeError(message)
250def _prepare_local_clone(path_to_repo_dir, temp_git_fixer_dir, is_mirror):
251    """Prepare a local clone of the repository with the specified parameters.
252    Args:
253    path_to_repo_dir (str): The path to the repository directory.
254    temp_git_fixer_dir (str): The temporary directory for fixing Git issues.
255    is_mirror (bool): A flag indicating whether the clone is a mirror.
256    Returns:
257    str: The path to the prepared local clone directory."""
258    local_clone_dir = os.path.join(
259        temp_git_fixer_dir, "lm"
260    )  # lm = local_mirror (keeping path short)
261    util_file.ensure_dir_exists(local_clone_dir)
262    args = [path_to_repo_dir]
263    if is_mirror:
264        args = ["--mirror"] + args
265    execute_command("clone", args, local_clone_dir)
267    local_repo_name = util_file.get_last_part_of_path(path_to_repo_dir)
268    if is_mirror:
269        local_repo_name += ".git"
270    else:
271        if local_repo_name.endswith(".git"):
272            local_repo_name = local_repo_name[:-4]
273    return os.path.join(local_clone_dir, local_repo_name)
276def prepare_local_full_clone(path_to_repo_dir, temp_git_fixer_dir):
277    """Prepare a full local clone of the repository using the specified paths.
278    Args:
279    path_to_repo_dir (str): The path to the repository directory.
280    temp_git_fixer_dir (str): The temporary directory for fixing Git issues.
281    Returns:
282    str: The path to the prepared full local clone directory."""
283    return _prepare_local_clone(path_to_repo_dir, temp_git_fixer_dir, False)
286def prepare_local_mirror_clone(path_to_repo_dir, temp_git_fixer_dir):
287    """Prepare a mirror local clone of the repository using the specified paths.
288    Args:
289    path_to_repo_dir (str): The path to the repository directory.
290    temp_git_fixer_dir (str): The temporary directory for fixing Git issues.
291    Returns:
292    str: The path to the prepared mirror local clone directory."""
293    return _prepare_local_clone(path_to_repo_dir, temp_git_fixer_dir, True)
296def gc_expire_reflog(repo_dir):
297    """Expire the reflog in the repository to aid in garbage collection.
298    Args:
299    repo_dir (str): The repository directory path."""
300    # Expires the reflog, which helps a following 'gc prune' to remove more garbage
301    execute_command("reflog", ["expire", "--expire=now", "--all"], repo_dir)
304def gc_prune_aggressive(mirror_clone_dir):
305    """Aggressively prune the repository to remove garbage using the mirror clone directory.
306    Args:
307    mirror_clone_dir (str): The mirror clone directory path.
308    Returns:
309    str: The result of the pruning operation."""
310    result = execute_command("gc", ["--prune=now", "--aggressive"], mirror_clone_dir)
311    return result
314def gc_prune_now(repo_dir):
315    """Prune the repository immediately to remove unnecessary objects.
316    Args:
317    repo_dir (str): The repository directory path."""
318    execute_command("gc", ["--prune=now"], repo_dir)
321def gc_prune_safe(repo_dir):
322    """Safely prune the repository to optimize object storage.
323    Args:
324    repo_dir (str): The repository directory path."""
325    execute_command("gc", [], repo_dir)
328def remove_origin_and_remote_branches(repo_dir):
329    """Remove the origin and remote branches from the repository.
330    Args:
331    repo_dir (str): The repository directory path."""
332    execute_command("remote", ["remove", "origin"], repo_dir)
335def remove_tag(repo_dir, tag):
336    """Remove the specified tag from the repository.
337    Args:
338    repo_dir (str): The repository directory path.
339    tag (str): The tag to be removed."""
340    execute_command("tag", ["-d", tag], repo_dir)
343def get_commits_after_date(repo_dir, branches, start_date):
344    """Get all commits after the specified date in the given branches of the repository.
345    Args:
346    repo_dir (str): The repository directory path.
347    branches (list): List of branches to check commits from.
348    start_date (str): The start date for filtering commits.
349    Returns:
350    list: A list of commits after the specified date."""
351    commits = []
352    for branch in branches:
353        checkout_branch(branch, repo_dir)
355        # git log --pretty=format:"%H" --after="2023-01-31"
356        day_before_cutoff = util_date.add_day_to_date(start_date, -1)
357        result = execute_command(
358            "log", ['--pretty=format:"%H"', f'--after="{day_before_cutoff}"'], repo_dir
359        )
360        commits += result.split("\n")
361    cleaned_commits = []
362    for commit in commits:
363        cleaned = commit.replace('"', "").strip()
364        cleaned_commits.append(cleaned)
365    return cleaned_commits
368def get_git_text_editor_or_none(local_repo_location):
369    """Get the default Git text editor or return None if not found.
370    Args:
371    local_repo_location (str): The local repository location.
372    Returns:
373    tuple: A tuple containing the path to the text editor program and its arguments, or (None, None) if not found."""
374    path_to_text_editor = get_config("core.editor", local_repo_location)
375    if path_to_text_editor is None or len(path_to_text_editor) == 0:
376        return (None, None)
377    error_message = f"Cannot parse default git text editor ('core.editor' = '{path_to_text_editor}')"
378    # Unfortunately, value can be like '"program" command'. To be able to execute 'program', we need to split that out:
379    program = path_to_text_editor
380    args = []
381    try:
382        if '"' in path_to_text_editor:
383            if path_to_text_editor.count('"') == 2:
384                parts = path_to_text_editor.split(
385                    '"'
386                )  # '"path to exe" cmd' -> ['', 'path to exe', ' cmd']
387                parts = util_list.strip_strings(parts)
388                program = parts[1]
389                args = parts[2:]
390    except Exception as e:
391        util_log.log_exception(e)
392        # Intentionally NOT passing exception onwards
393    if os.path.exists(program):
394        return (program, args)
395    util_print.print_custom(error_message)
396    return (None, None)
399def get_all_tags(path_to_local_repo):
400    """Get all tags from the specified local repository.
401    Args:
402    path_to_local_repo (str): The path to the local repository directory.
403    Returns:
404    list: A list of all tags in the repository."""
405    tags = []
406    result = execute_command("tag", [], path_to_local_repo)
407    raw_tags = result.split("\n")
408    for raw_tag in raw_tags:
409        raw_tag = raw_tag.strip()
410        if raw_tag:
411            tags.append(raw_tag)
412    return tags
415def delete_all_tags(path_to_local_repo):
416    """Delete all tags from the specified local repository.
417    Args:
418    path_to_local_repo (str): The path to the local repository directory."""
419    tags = get_all_tags(path_to_local_repo)
420    execute_command_in_chunks(
421        "push", ["--delete", "origin", "--quiet"], tags, path_to_local_repo
422    )
425def get_all_origin_branches(path_to_local_repo):
426    """Get all origin branches from the specified local repository.
427    Args:
428    path_to_local_repo (str): The path to the local repository directory.
429    Returns:
430    list: A list of all origin branches in the repository."""
431    branches = []
432    result = execute_command("branch", ["-r"], path_to_local_repo)
433    raw_branches = result.split("\n")
434    for raw_branch in raw_branches:
435        if "origin" not in raw_branch:
436            continue
437        if "->" in raw_branch:
438            continue
439        raw_branch = raw_branch.strip()
440        raw_branch = raw_branch.removeprefix("origin/")
441        if raw_branch:
442            branches.append(raw_branch)
443    return branches
446def delete_branches_except(branches_to_keep, path_to_local_repo):
447    """Delete branches in the local repository except for the specified ones to keep.
448    Args:
449    branches_to_keep (list): List of branches to retain.
450    path_to_local_repo (str): The path to the local repository directory."""
451    # original bash:
452    #   git branch -r | grep -Eo 'origin/.*' | grep -v 'origin/main$' | sed 's/origin\///' | xargs git push origin -v --delete
453    # OR this one seems more reliable:
454    #   git branch -r | grep -Eo 'origin/.*' | grep -v 'origin/main$' | sed 's/origin\///' | xargs git push -d origin
455    branches = get_all_origin_branches(path_to_local_repo)
456    branches_to_delete = util_list.except_for(branches, branches_to_keep)
458    execute_command_in_chunks(
459        "push", ["-d", "origin"], branches_to_delete, path_to_local_repo
460    )
463def get_config(key, path_to_local_repo):
464    """Get the Git configuration setting value for the specified key in the local repository.
465    Args:
466    key (str): The configuration key to retrieve.
467    path_to_local_repo (str): The path to the local repository directory.
468    Returns:
469    str: The value of the configuration setting for the key."""
470    result = ""
471    try:
472        result = execute_command("config", ["--get", key], path_to_local_repo, False)
473    except RuntimeError as re:
474        # If the config key is missing, then git returns exit code 1 and empty stderr
475        if len(re.args) == 2 and re.args[1] == 1:
476            if config.IS_VERBOSE:
477                util_print.print_custom(
478                    f"[ok] git config has no value for setting '{key}'"
479                )
480            return ""
481        raise
482    return result
485def log_git_config(path_to_local_repo):
486    """Log interesting Git configuration settings that can impact text file handling.
487    Args:
488    path_to_local_repo (str): The path to the local repository directory."""
489    interesting_settings = [
490        "i18n.filesencoding",
491        "core.ignorecase",  # Probably best set to false.
492        "core.autocrlf",  # Caused encoding exception on validation (which we handle now). Probably best set to false - line-endings.
493        "diff.astextplain.textconv",
494    ]
496"git config - text related settings")
497    for setting in interesting_settings:
498        value = get_config(setting, path_to_local_repo)
499        if len(value) > 0:
500  "  {setting}={value}")
501        else:
502  "  {setting} is not set [ok]")
505settings_best_set_to_false = [
506    "core.ignorecase",  # Probably best set to false.
507    "core.autocrlf",  # Caused encoding exception on validation (which we handle now). Probably best set to false - line-endings.
511def is_git_ignored(directory, filename):
512    """Check if a file is ignored by Git in the specified directory.
513    Args:
514    directory (str): The directory containing the file.
515    filename (str): The name of the file to check.
516    Returns:
517    bool: True if the file is ignored, False otherwise."""
518    try:
519        execute_command("check-ignore", [filename], directory, False)
520    except RuntimeError as re:
521        if len(re.args) == 2:
522            exit_code = re.args[1]
523            if exit_code == 0:
524                # 0 - One or more of the provided paths is ignored.
525                return True
526            elif exit_code == 1:
527                # 1 - None of the provided paths are ignored.
528                return False
529            # 128 - A fatal error was encountered.
530            # any other exit code
531            raise
532    # 0 - One or more of the provided paths is ignored.
533    return True
logger = <Logger cornsnake.util_git (INFO)>
def get_branches_with_commits_in_origin_not_local(repo_dir, branches):
40def get_branches_with_commits_in_origin_not_local(repo_dir, branches):
41    """
42    For all the given branches, find any missing commits: commits that are on origin but not this copy of the repository.
43    """
44    if not has_git_remote_urls(repo_dir):
45        util_print.print_warning(
46            f"Cannot check for missing commits: the local repo {repo_dir} has no remote origin"
47        )
48        return []
49    branches_with_missing_commits = []
50    fetch(repo_dir)
51    for branch in branches:
52        checkout_branch(branch, repo_dir)
53        result = execute_command("rev-list", [f"HEAD..origin/{branch}"], repo_dir)
54        if result.strip():
55            branches_with_missing_commits.append(branch)
56    return branches_with_missing_commits

For all the given branches, find any missing commits: commits that are on origin but not this copy of the repository.

def get_current_branch(local_repo_location):
59def get_current_branch(local_repo_location):
60    """
61    Function to get the current branch of the Git repository.
63    Args:
64    local_repo_location (str): The local repository location.
66    Returns:
67    str: The name of the current branch.
68    """
69    return execute_command(
70        "rev-parse", ["--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"], local_repo_location
71    ).strip()

Function to get the current branch of the Git repository.

Args: local_repo_location (str): The local repository location.

Returns: str: The name of the current branch.

def get_last_commit_id(path_to_repo_dir, file_only=None):
74def get_last_commit_id(path_to_repo_dir, file_only=None):
75    """Get the last commit ID based on the given path to the repository directory and an optional file parameter.
76    Args:
77    path_to_repo_dir (str): The path to the repository directory.
78    file_only (str): Optional parameter to specify a specific file.
79    Returns:
80    str: The last commit ID."""
81    # git log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%H_|\_%ad_|\_%s" --date=short BUILD.plz
82    git_args = [
83        "log",
84        "-n",
85        "1",
86        f'--pretty=format:"%H{COMMIT_PARTS_SEPARTOR}%ad{COMMIT_PARTS_SEPARTOR}%s"',
87        "--date=short",
88    ]
89    if file_only is not None:
90        git_args += [file_only]
91    result = util_proc.run_process_and_get_output(
92        config.PATH_TO_GIT, git_args, path_to_repo_dir
93    )
94    if config.IS_VERBOSE:
95        print("  " + result)
96    parsed = _parse_result(result)
97    commit = parsed[0]
98    return commit

Get the last commit ID based on the given path to the repository directory and an optional file parameter. Args: path_to_repo_dir (str): The path to the repository directory. file_only (str): Optional parameter to specify a specific file. Returns: str: The last commit ID.

def has_git_remote_urls(repo_dir):
101def has_git_remote_urls(repo_dir):
102    """
103    Does the given git repository directory have any remote origin URLs.
104    """
105    result = execute_command("remote", ["-v"], repo_dir)
106    return len(result.strip()) > 0

Does the given git repository directory have any remote origin URLs.

def is_git_repo(repo_dir):
109def is_git_repo(repo_dir):
110    """
111    Is the given directory a git repository (contains .git folder)
112    """
113    path_to_git_config = os.path.join(repo_dir, ".git", "config")
114    return util_file.does_file_exist(path_to_git_config)

Is the given directory a git repository (contains .git folder)

def list_git_remote_urls(repo_dir):
117def list_git_remote_urls(repo_dir):
118    """
119    List any remote origin URLs of the given git repository directory.
120    """
121    if not has_git_remote_urls(repo_dir):
122        return []
124    remote_urls = []
125    # git remote -v
126    result = execute_command("remote", ["-v"], repo_dir)
127    lines = result.split("\n")
129    for line in lines:
130        if not line.strip():
131            continue
132        # example:
133        # origin (fetch)
134        parts = line.split()
135        if len(parts) == 3:
136            remote_urls.append(parts[1])
137        else:
138            raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot parse output of git remote: {line}")
140    return remote_urls

List any remote origin URLs of the given git repository directory.

def get_git_remote_push_url(repo_dir):
143def get_git_remote_push_url(repo_dir):
144    """
145    Get the remote origin *push* URL of the given git repository directory.
146    """
147    try:
148        # git remote get-url --push origin
149        return execute_command(
150            "remote", ["get-url", "--push", "origin"], repo_dir
151        ).rstrip()
152    except Exception as e:
153        util_log.log_exception(e)
154        return ""

Get the remote origin push URL of the given git repository directory.

def execute_command(command, git_args, working_dir):
157def execute_command(command, git_args, working_dir):
158    """Execute a Git command with specified arguments in the given working directory.
159    Args:
160    command (str): The Git command to execute.
161    git_args (list): List of arguments for the Git command.
162    working_dir (str): The working directory to execute the command in.
163    Returns:
164    str: The output of the command."""
165    git_args_with_command = [command] + git_args
166    return util_proc.run_process_and_get_output(
167        config.PATH_TO_GIT, git_args_with_command, working_dir
168    )

Execute a Git command with specified arguments in the given working directory. Args: command (str): The Git command to execute. git_args (list): List of arguments for the Git command. working_dir (str): The working directory to execute the command in. Returns: str: The output of the command.

def execute_command_in_chunks(command, git_args, git_extra_args_to_chunk, working_dir):
172def execute_command_in_chunks(command, git_args, git_extra_args_to_chunk, working_dir):
173    """Execute a Git command with arguments provided in chunks to avoid exceeding the parameter limit.
174    Args:
175    command (str): The Git command to execute.
176    git_args (list): List of arguments for the Git command.
177    git_extra_args_to_chunk (list): List of additional arguments to chunk and execute.
178    working_dir (str): The working directory to execute the command in."""
179    CHUNK_SIZE = 20
180    chunks = util_list.chunk(git_extra_args_to_chunk, CHUNK_SIZE)
181    for chunk in chunks:
182        execute_command(command, git_args + chunk, working_dir)

Execute a Git command with arguments provided in chunks to avoid exceeding the parameter limit. Args: command (str): The Git command to execute. git_args (list): List of arguments for the Git command. git_extra_args_to_chunk (list): List of additional arguments to chunk and execute. working_dir (str): The working directory to execute the command in.

def fetch(working_dir):
185def fetch(working_dir):
186    """Fetch latest commits from a Git repository using the specified working directory.
188    Args:
189    working_dir (str): The working directory of the repository."""
190    execute_command("fetch", [], working_dir)

Fetch latest commits from a Git repository using the specified working directory.

Args: working_dir (str): The working directory of the repository.

def fetch_notes(working_dir):
193def fetch_notes(working_dir):
194    """Fetch notes from a Git repository using the specified working directory.
195    Args:
196    working_dir (str): The working directory of the repository."""
197    execute_command(
198        "fetch", ["origin", "refs/notes/*:refs/notes/*", "--force"], working_dir
199    )

Fetch notes from a Git repository using the specified working directory. Args: working_dir (str): The working directory of the repository.

def checkout_branch(branch, path_to_repo_dir):
202def checkout_branch(branch, path_to_repo_dir):
203    """Check out the specified branch in the Git repository at the given path.
204    Args:
205    branch (str): The branch to check out.
206    path_to_repo_dir (str): The path to the repository directory.
207    Returns:
208    str: The result of the checkout command."""
209    result = execute_command("checkout", [branch], path_to_repo_dir)
210    return result

Check out the specified branch in the Git repository at the given path. Args: branch (str): The branch to check out. path_to_repo_dir (str): The path to the repository directory. Returns: str: The result of the checkout command.

def checkout_at_start_of_date(local_repo_location, branch, start_date):
213def checkout_at_start_of_date(local_repo_location, branch, start_date):
214    """Check out the branch at the start of the specified date in the local repository location.
215    Args:
216    local_repo_location (str): The local repository location.
217    branch (str): The branch to check out.
218    start_date (str): The start date for checking out the branch."""
219    # git rev-list -n 1 --first-parent --before="2023-12-22 00:00" main
220    last_commit = execute_command(
221        "rev-list",
222        ["-n", "1", "--first-parent", f'--before="{start_date} 00:00"', branch],
223        local_repo_location,
224    )
225    last_commit = last_commit.strip()
226    if last_commit:
227        checkout_branch(last_commit, local_repo_location, True)
228        return True
229    return False

Check out the branch at the start of the specified date in the local repository location. Args: local_repo_location (str): The local repository location. branch (str): The branch to check out. start_date (str): The start date for checking out the branch.

def checkout_head(local_repo_location, branch):
232def checkout_head(local_repo_location, branch):
233    """Check out the HEAD of the specified branch in the local repository location.
234    Args:
235    local_repo_location (str): The local repository location.
236    branch (str): The branch to check out."""
237    checkout_branch(branch, local_repo_location)

Check out the HEAD of the specified branch in the local repository location. Args: local_repo_location (str): The local repository location. branch (str): The branch to check out.

def check_has_no_changes(path_to_local_repo):
240def check_has_no_changes(path_to_local_repo):
241    """Check if the local repository at the specified path has any changes.
242    Args:
243    path_to_local_repo (str): The path to the local repository directory."""
244    # should return empty, if no changes
245    result = execute_command("status", ["--porcelain"], path_to_local_repo)
246    if len(result) > 0:
247        message = f"Local repository at {path_to_local_repo} has changes. Please ensure the local repository is clean and has no outstanding changes."
248        raise RuntimeError(message)

Check if the local repository at the specified path has any changes. Args: path_to_local_repo (str): The path to the local repository directory.

def prepare_local_full_clone(path_to_repo_dir, temp_git_fixer_dir):
277def prepare_local_full_clone(path_to_repo_dir, temp_git_fixer_dir):
278    """Prepare a full local clone of the repository using the specified paths.
279    Args:
280    path_to_repo_dir (str): The path to the repository directory.
281    temp_git_fixer_dir (str): The temporary directory for fixing Git issues.
282    Returns:
283    str: The path to the prepared full local clone directory."""
284    return _prepare_local_clone(path_to_repo_dir, temp_git_fixer_dir, False)

Prepare a full local clone of the repository using the specified paths. Args: path_to_repo_dir (str): The path to the repository directory. temp_git_fixer_dir (str): The temporary directory for fixing Git issues. Returns: str: The path to the prepared full local clone directory.

def prepare_local_mirror_clone(path_to_repo_dir, temp_git_fixer_dir):
287def prepare_local_mirror_clone(path_to_repo_dir, temp_git_fixer_dir):
288    """Prepare a mirror local clone of the repository using the specified paths.
289    Args:
290    path_to_repo_dir (str): The path to the repository directory.
291    temp_git_fixer_dir (str): The temporary directory for fixing Git issues.
292    Returns:
293    str: The path to the prepared mirror local clone directory."""
294    return _prepare_local_clone(path_to_repo_dir, temp_git_fixer_dir, True)

Prepare a mirror local clone of the repository using the specified paths. Args: path_to_repo_dir (str): The path to the repository directory. temp_git_fixer_dir (str): The temporary directory for fixing Git issues. Returns: str: The path to the prepared mirror local clone directory.

def gc_expire_reflog(repo_dir):
297def gc_expire_reflog(repo_dir):
298    """Expire the reflog in the repository to aid in garbage collection.
299    Args:
300    repo_dir (str): The repository directory path."""
301    # Expires the reflog, which helps a following 'gc prune' to remove more garbage
302    execute_command("reflog", ["expire", "--expire=now", "--all"], repo_dir)

Expire the reflog in the repository to aid in garbage collection. Args: repo_dir (str): The repository directory path.

def gc_prune_aggressive(mirror_clone_dir):
305def gc_prune_aggressive(mirror_clone_dir):
306    """Aggressively prune the repository to remove garbage using the mirror clone directory.
307    Args:
308    mirror_clone_dir (str): The mirror clone directory path.
309    Returns:
310    str: The result of the pruning operation."""
311    result = execute_command("gc", ["--prune=now", "--aggressive"], mirror_clone_dir)
312    return result

Aggressively prune the repository to remove garbage using the mirror clone directory. Args: mirror_clone_dir (str): The mirror clone directory path. Returns: str: The result of the pruning operation.

def gc_prune_now(repo_dir):
315def gc_prune_now(repo_dir):
316    """Prune the repository immediately to remove unnecessary objects.
317    Args:
318    repo_dir (str): The repository directory path."""
319    execute_command("gc", ["--prune=now"], repo_dir)

Prune the repository immediately to remove unnecessary objects. Args: repo_dir (str): The repository directory path.

def gc_prune_safe(repo_dir):
322def gc_prune_safe(repo_dir):
323    """Safely prune the repository to optimize object storage.
324    Args:
325    repo_dir (str): The repository directory path."""
326    execute_command("gc", [], repo_dir)

Safely prune the repository to optimize object storage. Args: repo_dir (str): The repository directory path.

def remove_origin_and_remote_branches(repo_dir):
329def remove_origin_and_remote_branches(repo_dir):
330    """Remove the origin and remote branches from the repository.
331    Args:
332    repo_dir (str): The repository directory path."""
333    execute_command("remote", ["remove", "origin"], repo_dir)

Remove the origin and remote branches from the repository. Args: repo_dir (str): The repository directory path.

def remove_tag(repo_dir, tag):
336def remove_tag(repo_dir, tag):
337    """Remove the specified tag from the repository.
338    Args:
339    repo_dir (str): The repository directory path.
340    tag (str): The tag to be removed."""
341    execute_command("tag", ["-d", tag], repo_dir)

Remove the specified tag from the repository. Args: repo_dir (str): The repository directory path. tag (str): The tag to be removed.

def get_commits_after_date(repo_dir, branches, start_date):
344def get_commits_after_date(repo_dir, branches, start_date):
345    """Get all commits after the specified date in the given branches of the repository.
346    Args:
347    repo_dir (str): The repository directory path.
348    branches (list): List of branches to check commits from.
349    start_date (str): The start date for filtering commits.
350    Returns:
351    list: A list of commits after the specified date."""
352    commits = []
353    for branch in branches:
354        checkout_branch(branch, repo_dir)
356        # git log --pretty=format:"%H" --after="2023-01-31"
357        day_before_cutoff = util_date.add_day_to_date(start_date, -1)
358        result = execute_command(
359            "log", ['--pretty=format:"%H"', f'--after="{day_before_cutoff}"'], repo_dir
360        )
361        commits += result.split("\n")
362    cleaned_commits = []
363    for commit in commits:
364        cleaned = commit.replace('"', "").strip()
365        cleaned_commits.append(cleaned)
366    return cleaned_commits

Get all commits after the specified date in the given branches of the repository. Args: repo_dir (str): The repository directory path. branches (list): List of branches to check commits from. start_date (str): The start date for filtering commits. Returns: list: A list of commits after the specified date.

def get_git_text_editor_or_none(local_repo_location):
369def get_git_text_editor_or_none(local_repo_location):
370    """Get the default Git text editor or return None if not found.
371    Args:
372    local_repo_location (str): The local repository location.
373    Returns:
374    tuple: A tuple containing the path to the text editor program and its arguments, or (None, None) if not found."""
375    path_to_text_editor = get_config("core.editor", local_repo_location)
376    if path_to_text_editor is None or len(path_to_text_editor) == 0:
377        return (None, None)
378    error_message = f"Cannot parse default git text editor ('core.editor' = '{path_to_text_editor}')"
379    # Unfortunately, value can be like '"program" command'. To be able to execute 'program', we need to split that out:
380    program = path_to_text_editor
381    args = []
382    try:
383        if '"' in path_to_text_editor:
384            if path_to_text_editor.count('"') == 2:
385                parts = path_to_text_editor.split(
386                    '"'
387                )  # '"path to exe" cmd' -> ['', 'path to exe', ' cmd']
388                parts = util_list.strip_strings(parts)
389                program = parts[1]
390                args = parts[2:]
391    except Exception as e:
392        util_log.log_exception(e)
393        # Intentionally NOT passing exception onwards
394    if os.path.exists(program):
395        return (program, args)
396    util_print.print_custom(error_message)
397    return (None, None)

Get the default Git text editor or return None if not found. Args: local_repo_location (str): The local repository location. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the path to the text editor program and its arguments, or (None, None) if not found.

def get_all_tags(path_to_local_repo):
400def get_all_tags(path_to_local_repo):
401    """Get all tags from the specified local repository.
402    Args:
403    path_to_local_repo (str): The path to the local repository directory.
404    Returns:
405    list: A list of all tags in the repository."""
406    tags = []
407    result = execute_command("tag", [], path_to_local_repo)
408    raw_tags = result.split("\n")
409    for raw_tag in raw_tags:
410        raw_tag = raw_tag.strip()
411        if raw_tag:
412            tags.append(raw_tag)
413    return tags

Get all tags from the specified local repository. Args: path_to_local_repo (str): The path to the local repository directory. Returns: list: A list of all tags in the repository.

def delete_all_tags(path_to_local_repo):
416def delete_all_tags(path_to_local_repo):
417    """Delete all tags from the specified local repository.
418    Args:
419    path_to_local_repo (str): The path to the local repository directory."""
420    tags = get_all_tags(path_to_local_repo)
421    execute_command_in_chunks(
422        "push", ["--delete", "origin", "--quiet"], tags, path_to_local_repo
423    )

Delete all tags from the specified local repository. Args: path_to_local_repo (str): The path to the local repository directory.

def get_all_origin_branches(path_to_local_repo):
426def get_all_origin_branches(path_to_local_repo):
427    """Get all origin branches from the specified local repository.
428    Args:
429    path_to_local_repo (str): The path to the local repository directory.
430    Returns:
431    list: A list of all origin branches in the repository."""
432    branches = []
433    result = execute_command("branch", ["-r"], path_to_local_repo)
434    raw_branches = result.split("\n")
435    for raw_branch in raw_branches:
436        if "origin" not in raw_branch:
437            continue
438        if "->" in raw_branch:
439            continue
440        raw_branch = raw_branch.strip()
441        raw_branch = raw_branch.removeprefix("origin/")
442        if raw_branch:
443            branches.append(raw_branch)
444    return branches

Get all origin branches from the specified local repository. Args: path_to_local_repo (str): The path to the local repository directory. Returns: list: A list of all origin branches in the repository.

def delete_branches_except(branches_to_keep, path_to_local_repo):
447def delete_branches_except(branches_to_keep, path_to_local_repo):
448    """Delete branches in the local repository except for the specified ones to keep.
449    Args:
450    branches_to_keep (list): List of branches to retain.
451    path_to_local_repo (str): The path to the local repository directory."""
452    # original bash:
453    #   git branch -r | grep -Eo 'origin/.*' | grep -v 'origin/main$' | sed 's/origin\///' | xargs git push origin -v --delete
454    # OR this one seems more reliable:
455    #   git branch -r | grep -Eo 'origin/.*' | grep -v 'origin/main$' | sed 's/origin\///' | xargs git push -d origin
456    branches = get_all_origin_branches(path_to_local_repo)
457    branches_to_delete = util_list.except_for(branches, branches_to_keep)
459    execute_command_in_chunks(
460        "push", ["-d", "origin"], branches_to_delete, path_to_local_repo
461    )

Delete branches in the local repository except for the specified ones to keep. Args: branches_to_keep (list): List of branches to retain. path_to_local_repo (str): The path to the local repository directory.

def get_config(key, path_to_local_repo):
464def get_config(key, path_to_local_repo):
465    """Get the Git configuration setting value for the specified key in the local repository.
466    Args:
467    key (str): The configuration key to retrieve.
468    path_to_local_repo (str): The path to the local repository directory.
469    Returns:
470    str: The value of the configuration setting for the key."""
471    result = ""
472    try:
473        result = execute_command("config", ["--get", key], path_to_local_repo, False)
474    except RuntimeError as re:
475        # If the config key is missing, then git returns exit code 1 and empty stderr
476        if len(re.args) == 2 and re.args[1] == 1:
477            if config.IS_VERBOSE:
478                util_print.print_custom(
479                    f"[ok] git config has no value for setting '{key}'"
480                )
481            return ""
482        raise
483    return result

Get the Git configuration setting value for the specified key in the local repository. Args: key (str): The configuration key to retrieve. path_to_local_repo (str): The path to the local repository directory. Returns: str: The value of the configuration setting for the key.

def log_git_config(path_to_local_repo):
486def log_git_config(path_to_local_repo):
487    """Log interesting Git configuration settings that can impact text file handling.
488    Args:
489    path_to_local_repo (str): The path to the local repository directory."""
490    interesting_settings = [
491        "i18n.filesencoding",
492        "core.ignorecase",  # Probably best set to false.
493        "core.autocrlf",  # Caused encoding exception on validation (which we handle now). Probably best set to false - line-endings.
494        "diff.astextplain.textconv",
495    ]
497"git config - text related settings")
498    for setting in interesting_settings:
499        value = get_config(setting, path_to_local_repo)
500        if len(value) > 0:
501  "  {setting}={value}")
502        else:
503  "  {setting} is not set [ok]")

Log interesting Git configuration settings that can impact text file handling. Args: path_to_local_repo (str): The path to the local repository directory.

settings_best_set_to_false = ['core.ignorecase', 'core.autocrlf']
def is_git_ignored(directory, filename):
512def is_git_ignored(directory, filename):
513    """Check if a file is ignored by Git in the specified directory.
514    Args:
515    directory (str): The directory containing the file.
516    filename (str): The name of the file to check.
517    Returns:
518    bool: True if the file is ignored, False otherwise."""
519    try:
520        execute_command("check-ignore", [filename], directory, False)
521    except RuntimeError as re:
522        if len(re.args) == 2:
523            exit_code = re.args[1]
524            if exit_code == 0:
525                # 0 - One or more of the provided paths is ignored.
526                return True
527            elif exit_code == 1:
528                # 1 - None of the provided paths are ignored.
529                return False
530            # 128 - A fatal error was encountered.
531            # any other exit code
532            raise
533    # 0 - One or more of the provided paths is ignored.
534    return True

Check if a file is ignored by Git in the specified directory. Args: directory (str): The directory containing the file. filename (str): The name of the file to check. Returns: bool: True if the file is ignored, False otherwise.